Table of Contents

Rushing Policy

Article I - Chair Responsibilities

Section 1. Committee Meetings

  1. Rushing Chair plans at least one committee meeting prior to the first meeting of the semester.
    1. Hold a committee meeting in order to come up with ideas for rushes and confirm them with Brotherhood if desired.
  2. Rushing Chair plans any other necessary committee meetings.

Section 2. Advertise Rushes

  1. Digital advertisements.
    1. Send an email out to students on the interested list about the rush.
    2. Collaborate with Social Media to create a Facebook event on the Zeta page and make posts on social media, and personally invite Brothers, interested persons, and other friends.
  2. Collaborate with Communications for physical advertisements.
    1. Arrange for posters of the rush schedule to be hung.
    2. Table tents are another option. Make sure to get table tents approved by the university before they get put out.
  3. Encourage Brothers to bring friends.
  4. If assistance is needed for any of these tasks, solicit the Communications Committee for help.

Section 3. Approval of Rushes

  1. In order for rushes to be approved for the semester, they must be voted upon by the Brotherhood.
    1. For the rushes to be mandatory, the vote must occur during the first meeting of the semester.

Section 4. Contact prospective students

  1. Bring the Rush Book to each rush to collect Brothers’ sigs and the names and emails of prospectives who would like to receive updates for future events.
  2. Collaborate with Member Education to provide Bids and Closed Smoker invites.

Article II - Committee Responsibilities

Section 1. Plan Rushes

  1. View Google Calendars for active membership in order to best pick dates and times that the most Brothers will be able to attend, in addition to the Zeta calendar and Pep Band calendar.
    1. Try to make it so that rushes don’t all happen on the same day of the week.
  2. Reserve rooms, if needed, well in advance and make sure there is time scheduled before the event starts in order to set up, as well as time after to clean up.
    1. Example: If a rush is set to be from 5pm to 7pm, reserve the room for 4:30pm to 7:30pm.
    2. Rooms in Fisher and other educational buildings must be reserved through The Registrar’s Office.
    3. VPA rooms (band room, etc.) must be reserved by creating a Google Calendar event and adding them as a location.
  3. Add each rush to the Zeta calendar — Brothers call time should be fifteen minutes before start time in order to make sure prospectives don’t show up to an empty room.

Section 2. Set Up Rushes

  1. Chairs or appointed members are responsible for purchasing necessary items and setting up the rush before it begins.
    1. Be sure to save any receipts from purchases in order to be reimbursed by the Treasurer.
    2. Repeated rushes (i.e. Bonfire) with many items should have an updated shopping list kept in the Rushing folder.
  2. If food is to be prepared by the Brotherhood, start cooking well beforehand so it’s ready by the start time.
  3. After the rush is over, make sure to clean up and leave the room as it was found.
    1. If there is leftover food, offer it first to guests and then Brothers, or throw it away.
    2. If there are leftover supplies, discuss as a committee if these supplies are worth keeping for future events.
  4. Rushing supplies are to be kept in the rushing box, which should be sorted through every year to prevent build up of useless items.
    1. Keep an updated inventory list of these items, and share it with the Chapter President for when they complete the Student Organization application process.

Article III - Brotherhood Expectations

Section 1. Attending Rushes

  1. Attend all mandatory rushes put forth by the rushing committee.
    1. If you are unable to attend a rush, inform the Rushing Chair in writing.
  2. Talk to and engage with prospective members during rushes.
    1. Be nice and welcoming.

Article IV - Committee Resources

Section 1. Rushing Resources

  1. Rushing supplies are contained and stored in boxes.
    1. The boxes are to be stored in the Storage Unit when not in possession of the Rushing Chair.