An event in which the entire Active and Special Active Brotherhood had prior notice.
Prior notice is defined as forty-eight (48) hour notice.
An event that at least three (3) Brothers attend.
The Chair of the Brotherhood Committee has final say in determining if an event is eligible for awarding points. If an event is deemed ineligible, the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee is responsible for alerting parties as to why this decision was made.
Brothers Retreat:
Is a gathering of Brothers with the purpose to strengthen the bonds of Brotherhood, which may include group bonding activities, trust exercises, and/or exercises to promote cooperation.
Does not incorporate a Brothers Grievance or Roundtable.
Is attended by at least half of the Active Brotherhood.
Information regarding estimated cost, location, and dates is to be given at least thirty (30) days ahead of time.
Spirit of Brotherhood Competition
This honor can only be given to one Active Brother per semester.
The Spirit of Brotherhood winner is expected to go above and beyond the duties of an Active Brother or Officer.
The Spirit of Brotherhood winner is expected to show an interest in maintaining the Brotherhood through external activities.
The honor is to be announced no later than the last General Meeting of the semester in which the competition began.
The announcement is to be made and the prize is to be awarded during the Brotherhood report.
The monetary value of the prize shall be no greater than $75.00, split into parts if desired by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee.
The winner can be repaid expenses relating to attending Brothers Retreat up to a value of $75.00, or the winner could be awarded $75.00 towards the Brothers Retreat of the following semester.
If the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee decides so, one item or collection of items whose monetary value does not exceed $50.00 may be used as a supplementary or alternative prize. Examples:
Letter shirt
Fraternity Magnet
Gift card
Spirit of Brotherhood Points
Spirit of Brotherhood Points are:
To be awarded by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee for any actions considered to be above and beyond the duties of an Active Brother or Officer.
To be awarded solely by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee.
Awarding Points
One (1) point will be awarded for participating in Letter Day.
One (1) to two (2) points will be awarded for participating in Percy Pairs.
One (1) point will be awarded for attending a Brotherhood Event.
One (1) to four (4) points will be awarded for organizing a Brotherhood Event.
One (1) point will be awarded for each service point obtained beyond the required total.
One (1) point can be awarded for completing a task requested by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee.
Five (5) points will be awarded for attending Brothers Retreat.
The awarding of all points is at the sole discretion of the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee.
Chair of the Brotherhood Committee
The Chair of the Brotherhood Committee is ineligible to win the Spirit of Brotherhood Competition since they are considered the Brotherhood Competition’s judge.
The responsibilities of the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee for the competition are:
To plan Brotherhood events.
To keep track of Spirit of Brotherhood points.
To decide on a prize with a monetary value no greater than $50.00.
To award the prize to the winner at the end of the competition.
The Chair of the Brotherhood Committee is also responsible for:
Planning the annual or semiannual Brothers Retreat.
Planning of regular Brotherhood Committee meetings.
Delegating tasks to the Brotherhood Committee members, as necessary.
Responsibilities of the Brotherhood Committee Members
Attend all Brotherhood Committee meetings
Up to two (2) unexcused absences are allowed.
Attendance may be excused by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee, if they deems the excuse to be valid.
Each additional unexcused absence after two (2) unexcused absences will result in a fine of $1.00, payable to Alpha Chapter, to be collected by the Alpha Treasurer.
Assist the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee in their duties.
Help plan Brothers Retreat.
Perform tasks delegated by the Chair of the Brotherhood Committee.