A petition completed by the students with assistance of their advisors will include the following:
A letter from the prospective colonists to the National Vice President of Expansion expressing the prospective Chapter's interest in receiving a Charter, including a list of specific plans the prospective Chapter has if they are granted a Charter;
A working set of By-Laws (the skeletal ones should be sufficient);
A membership list of at least fifteen (15) persons, including the number of semesters/quarters completed by each person in any musical organization at the prospective institution as well as the academic standing of each potential member, as per
National Constitution, Article III, Section 3, subsections a and b;
The name and school address of at least two (2) faculty advisors;
A letter from the advisors to the National Vice President of Expansion describing why a Chapter of Mu Beta Psi at his/her school would be beneficial, and giving some goals of the Chapter;
The criteria used by the petitioning body for selecting faculty advisors;
Information about the prospective school, including a short history, basic facts (student population, location, etc.) a school catalogue, and any interesting or unique facts about the institution;
A certified check for $100 to cover the cost of printing, mailing and framing the Charter which shall be refunded if the Charter should be refused, as per National Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, subsection b.
A letter from the School's Office of Student Affairs or equivalent governing office to the
NVPE indicating acceptance of Mu Beta Psi at said institution, and approval of the prospective Chapter’s By-Laws;
A letter of recommendation from the Host Chapter(s) to the National Vice President of Expansion.
Each prospective colonist will include a personal statement of intent and a short biography.