Table of Contents

Election Policy

I. Election Operations

A. Process

  1. Nominations shall be open according to Article IV Section 5 of the Chapter Bylaws.
  2. Quorum for election meetings to take place shall be 2/3 of the Active Brotherhood.
  3. All nominees for a given position shall leave the room before they present their qualifications.
  4. Each nominee for a position shall have a five (5) minute opportunity to present their qualifications.
  5. Following each nominee’s presentation there will be a period of ten (10) minutes where they will be subject to questions from the Brotherhood.
  6. Discussion of each nominee will happen after they have given their presentation and will follow the following format:
    1. Pro-Con-Pro
      1. Three (3) minutes of Pros, advantages about the nominee.
      2. Six (6) minutes of Cons, disadvantages about the nominee.
      3. Three (3) minutes of Pros.
  7. A fter all nominees have had the chance to give their presentation the Brotherhood will have a ten (10) minute general discussion of all nominees.
    1. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Brotherhood.
  8. A vote of the active Brotherhood shall be held using a closed ballot and must be counted by two (2) of the present Brothers.
    1. Voting members may cast their ballot for one of the nominees or as no confidence.
      1. A vote of no confidence means that none of the nominees are fit for the position.
    2. Brothers counting the ballots must abstain from voting.
      1. Brothers who are graduating, inactive, or who are otherwise ineligible for the position are ideal.
  9. A majority vote of the present voting members is required to be elected into office.
    1. A majority shall be whomever receives the largest percentage of votes among the candidates. This includes votes of no confidence.
    2. In the event of a tie vote, another vote shall be held after a short discussion.
      1. In the event that there are more than two nominees and there is a tie, remove the nominee with the lowest percentage from contention.
  10. Election of officers shall be held in the following order:
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Member-at-Large Elect (MAL-E)
    6. Assistant Member Educator (AME)
    7. Historian
  11. In the event that multiple nominees are running for a position, those that are not elected may run for one of the following positions according to the order set in Section 1.9.
    1. For example, if the nominee for President doesn’t get elected, they may run for Vice President, Secretary, and so on.

II. Irregularities

A. Vacancies

  1. In the event that both positions of Member-at-Large and Member-at-Large Elect or Member Educator and Assistant Member Educator are vacant, the following is to happen:
    1. Nominations will be held for both positions - Member-at-Large and Member-at-Large Elect or Member Educator and Assistant Member Educator.
    2. The election of officers will be held in the following order:
      1. President
      2. Vice President
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer
      5. Member-at-Large
      6. Member-at-Large Elect
      7. Member Educator
      8. Assistant Member Educator
      9. Historian

B. No Confidence Vote

  1. If the majority votes no confidence, the position will be considered vacant and must be filled via special election.

C. No Nominees

  1. In the event that a position has received no nominations before elections are to open, the following is to happen:
    1. Nominations will be reopened.
    2. All present Brothers will be given an opportunity to volunteer to be nominated.
    3. Upon receiving no changes, the president shall ask each active Brother if they will run for the position in question.
      1. The Brothers will be asked in order of Brotherhood seniority.
    4. Each Brother must respond with yes or no.
    5. Once a Brother has accepted, the floor for nominations may be closed and elections may proceed.
  2. In the event that all Brothers respond no, the position will remain empty.
  3. A special election for the open position will be held by the beginning of the following semester.

D. Special Elections

  1. A special election will be held if a vacancy occurs in an elected position.
  2. Nominations will open at the earliest regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. Nominations will be open for one (1) week.
  4. A special election will not be held between the fifth and twelfth weeks if the position is being opened for nominations during the normal election process.
  5. Elections will then follow Article I Section 1 of this policy.
  6. Installations shall happen immediately following the special election.