Table of Contents

Emergency Communication Plan

This plan is a guideline for contacting a Chapter via their Chapter mailing list. Access to each chapter mailing list is for emergencies only, and should not be utilized unless absolutely necessary. In most cases, communication should be be attempted in the following order before moving to emergency communication:

  1. National Officer’s Chapter Committee Representative
  2. MAL
  3. Chapter President

:?: If the Representative, MAL, and Chapter President cannot be reached, may all National Officers send to the Chapter mailing list?

:!: No. If emergency contact needs to be made with a Chapter, either the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance (NVPCM) or the Webmaster shall initiate the communication.

Situation One

:?: A National Officer tries several means to contact a Chapter’s representative, MAL, and President (in this order) without success.

:!: In this case, the NVPCM should prepare a response like this:

Dear Brothers of ___ Chapter, the National Office cannot seem to reach your Chapter representative, your MAL, or your President. We have engaged our emergency communication plan, and I am asking for your help. Please respond, and help reconnect the Chapter to the National Office.

Situation Two

:?: A National Officer discovers inappropriate use, or breach in security, of Prohibited content as it pertains to IT Policy that has occurred Chapter­wide.

:!: This situation calls for immediate action. The Webmaster needs to notify the Chapter of the breach, and provide clear instructions to re-secure the Prohibited content.

  1. In this case, Webmaster is not limited to a single response as shown in Situation One. The Webmaster should use multiple means of delivering the notification so that if one should fail, others may get through.
  2. The Webmaster should confirm whether Prohibited content is exposed somewhere it should not be. Once a breach is confirmed, time is of the essence in contacting everyone at the Chapter to remove the content from its digital location, and lessen the chance of discovery by a non­Brother.

Inappropriate Use of Emergency Communication

Situation One

:?: A National Officer is coming to visit the Chapter and wants to notify everyone on the details of the visit.

:!: Not acceptable. The Officer should contact their Chapter representative, and the representative should be the one maintaining contact between the Chapter and the Officer.

Situation Two

:?: A National Officer hasn’t heard from their representative, and wants to reach out to everyone.

:!: Not acceptable. The Officer should first try the MAL, then the President, before contacting the Chapter as a whole.

Situation Three

:?: A National Officer hasn’t received a report from the Chapter by the requested deadline, and wants the Chapter to remain in good standing.

:!: Not acceptable. The Officer should first try the MAL, then the President, before contacting the Chapter as a whole.