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Secretary Policy

Article I - Limitations

Section 1. Position Limitations

  1. The Secretary may not be the Risk Manager.
  2. The Secretary may not concurrently hold another E-Board position.
  3. The Secretary may not be the Member Educator or Assistant Member Educator.

Article II: Reports, Agenda, Minutes

Section 1: Sending out Reports

  1. Send a call for reports for the upcoming General Meeting to the mbpsi-l@mtu.edu email list no later than Thursday before the upcoming General Meeting.
    1. Send a reminder for reports on the Saturday before the upcoming General Meeting.

Section 2: Agenda Template

  1. A blank Agenda is maintained to make creating Meeting Agendas easier
  2. It lists all positions and committees to report, along with the other segments of General Geeting.
  3. The template is to be kept up to date with current officers and committee chairs

Section 3: Writing the Agenda

  1. To write an Agenda, copy the Agenda template (see section 2)
  2. Change the date on this Agenda and save it to the proper folder.
    1. Add committee and other reports into the Agenda before the General Meeting occurs.
    2. The completed Agenda is sent to the list (mbpsi-l@mtu.edu) before the meeting
    3. Print the appropriate amount of Agendas for Brothers to use during the General Meeting.
    4. Old Agendas are stored for posterity.

Section 4: Taking Attendance

  1. Attendance is taken at the beginning of General Meetings.
    1. Record attendance in the Meeting Minutes (see below) and the attendance sheet for the semester.

Section 5: Taking Minutes

  1. Meeting Minutes are created from a copy of the current Agenda.
  2. Minutes are written during the General Meeting. Fill in each section with the appropriate details as meeting goes on.
  3. Record only the following during Closed Session:
    1. Answers given by the New Members for questions written on the board
    2. Locations and times for events planned in Closed Session
    3. Motions for breaks during Closed Session
  4. Send out Minutes to the mbpsi-l@mtu.edu email list by the Tuesday following the meeting
    1. Send out a copy of the minutes, without closed session, to the Member Educators to forward to the Members in Training.
  5. Minutes should not contain any Prohibited or Restricted information

Article III: Comprehensive Form

Section 1: Comprehensive Form

  1. Make the comprehensive form from the template
    1. Copy the template and adjust the date.
    2. Click the “Create Spreadsheet” button in the response section of the new comprehensive form.
    3. Move the Spreadsheet into the appropriate folder, and reformat it as necessary to be presentable.
  2. The form must be sent out in sufficient time to gather the necessary information for the National Submissions.
    1. National Submissions are due September, January, and April 30th.

Article IV: Address List

Section 1: Address List

  1. The secretary creates a spreadsheet recording the addresses of each Active Brother for the Spring, Summer, and Fall of each year
  2. The addresses are typically found from the Comprehensive Form (see Article III)
  3. These address lists are stored

Article V: Reserving the Meeting Space

Section 1: Reserving Meeting Rooms

  1. Before the start of each semester, reserve the agreed upon room(s) for the entirety of the semester for the specified day and time.
  2. The following form can be used to reserve rooms on campus: https://www.mtu.edu/registrar/students/room-schedule/form/

Article VI: Mailbox

Section 1: Mail

  1. Our mailbox is located in MUB 106, and it has our organization name on it.
  2. Check the mailbox once a week during the school year.
As adopted October 16, 2022
policies/chapters/zeta/secretary.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/27 21:29 by glchandl