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Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

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Information Technology Policy


  1. Policy Scope
    1. This policy is designed to manage the actions and authority of the National Information Technology Committee (NITC), which shall govern the transfer and availability of Fraternity information, both within and outside the Fraternity.

National Information Technology Committee

  1. National Information Technology Committee (NITC)
    1. Structure
      1. The National Information Technology Committee shall have a membership as defined by the National Executive Committee Policy.
      2. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be designated as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the Fraternity. For the purposes of this Policy, “CTO”, “Chairperson”, and “Chair” are interchangeable.
    2. Duties
      1. Chairperson
        1. The Chair shall preside over meetings of the Committee in accordance with section 2.3 of this Policy.
        2. The Chair shall maintain a list of passwords for administrative accounts used to fulfill the duties of the committee. A copy of this list shall be given to the National President, National Secretary, and Board of Trustees Chairperson as it is updated.
        3. The Chair shall be in possession of all technology hardware and software owned by the fraternity for use in conducting National business.
          1. The Chair shall maintain a list of all Fraternity-owned hardware and software, including serial numbers or other identifying information. A copy of this list shall be given to the National President, National Secretary, and Board of Trustees Chairperson as it is updated, but at least once per year.
          2. Upon vacating the position, all hardware and software must be transferred to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Failure to do so may result in a fine up to and including the replacement cost of the item(s).
          3. The Chair may, at his/her discretion, temporarily transfer possession of Fraternity hardware/software to individual Brothers at the National or Chapter level for the purposes of conducting Fraternity business. The Chair shall be responsible for maintaining records indicating that the receiving Brother assumes responsibility and liability for loss or misuse of the item. The Chair shall determine the appropriate method and responsibility for shipment. The decision of the chair regarding shipping responsibility may be appealed to the Committee.
        4. The Chair shall work with the National Editor of The Clef to publish an electronic edition of The Clef as provided by the National Executive Committee Policy Manual.
      2. Chapter Representatives
        1. Chapter representatives shall attend, in person or by proxy, all committee meetings, unless prior arrangements are made with the Chair.
        2. Chapter representatives shall be responsible for the composition and placement of their respective Chapter websites, and for ensuring websites are in compliance with this Policy.
    3. Authority
      1. The Committee shall have the authority to rule on the appropriateness of questionable information, or the methods of delivering said information electronically, after consulting an appropriate officer of this Fraternity, either Chapter or National, depending on the nature and importance of the information.
      2. The decisions of the Committee can be overruled by the decision of the Legislative Council. The Committee shall keep records of such rulings.

World Wide Web

  1. World Wide Web
    1. Definitions
      1. National Website
        1. The National website shall consist of the national homepage and any supporting documentation stored with it.
        2. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the National website is http://mubetapsi.org.
        3. That National website shall provide direct access to all Chapter websites through navigable links, and/or page redirects. Page redirects may take the form of sub-domains or redirected directories.
      2. Chapter Websites
        1. A Chapter website shall consist of the Chapter homepage and any supporting documentation stored with it.
        2. Chapters shall be permitted to store their website on a server of their choosing, provided adequate security and maintainability exists, and that the site meets the requirements listed in this Policy.
        3. The Committee shall provide Chapters the option of storing their websites on the same server as the National website.
      3. Third-Party Websites
        1. The term “third-party websites” refers to websites that contain Fraternity information, but are not under direct control of the Fraternity. An example would be sites maintained by individual Brothers.
        2. Third-Party Websites are subject to the same restrictions on content as described in this Policy.
      4. Other Online Representation
        1. The term “other online representation” refers to any online account that is hosted by a third party and is administrated by a Brother that acts to represent or promote the Chapter or National Organization. Examples may include social media, video hosting, or other profiles that use the Fraternity or Chapter’s name.”
        2. National level accounts shall only be administered by nationally elected officers or duly appointed Brothers by a national officer or committee.
        3. Chapter-level accounts may be administered by the Chapter President, Vice President, or NITC Representative. They may appoint another Brother from their own Chapter if they do not wish to administer their Chapter-level account. Appointments must be recorded in Chapter minutes.
        4. Account Approval
          1. Brothers interested in creating a new online account must submit the following items to the Chair:
            • Type of account desired
            • Username requested
            • Password
              • If an account (such as a group or page) is administered by a personal account, no password is required. Instead, administration privileges must be given to an account controlled by the CTO.
            • Intended purpose for the account
            • Name and position of who will be responsible for managing the account.
          2. Upon receipt of the request, the Chair will make an initial assessment and approve or deny the request within 2 weeks of submission.
          3. Regardless of the decision of the Chair, the full NITC will discuss any application received at their next regularly scheduled meeting and vote to approve or deny the request via a simple majority vote.
          4. If either the Chair or the committee as a whole denies a request, they must provide a written reason for the denial to the applicant within one week of the decision having been made. This statement should include information regarding the specific reasons why the request was denied to assist the applicant in the event that they wish to reapply.
        5. Maintenance and Review
          1. Online representation is subject to the restrictions on content as described in this policy and in the Online Representation Guide
          2. Any changes to usernames, passwords, and/or administrators must be submitted to the Chair immediately.
          3. The NITC will conduct bi-annual reviews of all accounts to ensure compliance with usage guidelines. The content and usage of the account will be reviewed for (including, but not limited to) accuracy, appropriate representation, etc.
    2. Approved Content
      1. Definition
        1. The term “approved content” refers to information suitable for the general public (i.e. not restricted to Brothers only).
      2. The following information is considered Approved Content when used to promote or provide factual information about the Fraternity.
        • Articles of Incorporation
        • Binding Motions
        • Hazing Policy
        • Substance Abuse Policy
        • Sexual Harassment Policy
        • Chapter Information (General)
        • Chapter By-Laws
        • Chapter Policies, excluding pledge policies
        • Constitution
        • Convention Planning Info
        • Convention Agendas / Schedules
        • Coat of Arms
        • Expansion By-Laws
        • Forms
        • Hail the Spirit of Mu Beta Psi
        • School Information
        • Sweetheart Song
        • The Clef
        • Officer & BOT Contact Information
      3. Other information may be designated “Approved Content” by decision of the Committee or the Legislative Council.
      4. Email addresses of individual Brothers shall be considered “Approved Content” for the purposes of this Policy. Any Brother may “opt-out” of publishing their email address by written request to the Committee. The Committee shall make every effort to accommodate such requests.
    3. Restricted Content
      1. Definition
        1. The term “restricted content” refers to information not suitable for the general public (i.e. restricted to Brothers only). Access to this content must be limited in accordance with Section 7.3 of this Policy.
      2. The following information is considered Restricted Content for the purposes of this Policy.
        • Brothers’ Permanent Addresses / Phone Numbers (except as provided above)
        • Chapter pledge policies
        • Online discussion areas, such as chat rooms and message boards, where Fraternity business is discussed.
        • National Policy Manual (except as provided above) Information that may possibly be considered Restricted Content should always be reviewed with the Committee before being made publicly available.
    4. Prohibited Content
      1. Definition
        1. The term “prohibited content” refers to information that may not be transmitted via the World Wide Web except in extreme cases as defined in 3.4.2.
      2. Extreme cases
        1. An extreme case refers to prohibited content that the CTO or Permanent Board of Trustees member needs access to immediately and is unable to obtain in-person. Other cases may be deemed “extreme” at the discretion of the CTO.
        2. In extreme cases, prohibited content may be transmitted via the World Wide Web provided proper security measures, as described below:
          1. The chapter president must be notified of the request.
          2. All files containing prohibited content must be password protected using a minimum of 15 characters, containing both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
          3. Passwords for files must be transmitted to the recipient in a separate manner than the file itself (ex: file sent through email, password given through phone call).
          4. Files must be immediately deleted by both the sender and receiver from the medium that they were transmitted after download.
      3. The following information is considered Prohibited Content for the purposes of this Policy.
        • Formal Initiation Ritual
        • Informal Initiation Rituals
        • New Chapter Installation
        • Any document or information so designated by the Legislative Council.
      4. Information that may possibly be considered Prohibited Content should always be reviewed with the Committee before being made available online.
    5. Maintenance
      1. The Chair shall be responsible for the maintenance of the National Website and related documentation.
      2. Chapters shall be responsible for the maintenance of their respective websites and related documentation.
      3. The Committee shall review the National Website and all Chapter Websites at least once per year to ensure they are being adequately maintained, and are in compliance with the provisions of this Policy.
    6. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
      1. The Committee shall prepare and include as part of the National Website a list of Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) regarding use of the site. At a minimum, the AUP shall include:
        • A statement expressing a Commitment to Privacy.
        • Statements identifying what types of information may be collected from users, and the method(s) by which the information may be collected.
        • Statements identifying how information collected will be used
        • Statements describing how a user can restrict the use of their information.
        • Statements governing re-use of information posted on the website.
      2. Chapters may make reference to the National Website AUP, or they may generate their own, subject to the same minimum requirements listed in Section 3.6.1.
      3. The Committee must approve all Acceptable Use Policies prior to use.

Electronic Mail

  1. Electronic Mail
    1. Personal Accounts
      1. Any Brother may request the creation of a personal email account on the National website domain. The Chair will review such requests on a case-by-case basis and determine whether or not an account will be created. If the request is denied, the Chair will provide a written explanation to the requester. Denials may be appealed to the Committee.
      2. Any Brother granted a personal email account on the National website domain must agree to be bound by the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) of the service, as identified in Section 4.4 of this Policy.
    2. Email Aliases
      1. The Committee shall establish and maintain email aliases for National Officers, National Committee chairpersons, Permanent members of the Board of Trustees, and Chapter delegates to National Committees, as directed by the National President.
      2. Any Brother may request the creation of an email alias for their personal use. The Chair will review such requests on a case-by-case basis and determine whether or not to grant the alias. Denied requests may be appealed to the committee.
      3. Any Brother granted an email alias on the National website domain must agree to be bound by the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) of the service, as identified by Section 4.4 of the Policy.
      4. Chapter Representatives shall be responsible for providing updates to ensure that aliases specified in Section 4.2.1 for their Chapter are adequately maintained. Aliases created under Section 4.2.2 are the responsibility of the individual Brother.
    3. Distribution Lists
      1. The Committee shall establish and maintain distribution lists for National Committees and other groups as directed by the National President.
        1. The Chapter Representatives shall be responsible for providing updated information to ensure that the appropriate Chapter personnel are subscribed to the correct lists.
      2. The Committee shall establish and maintain a National mailing list for communication between the Brotherhood as a whole that shall be hosted separately from the National Website.
        1. The CTO will provide a way for Brothers to personally subscribe to and unsubscribe from the National mailing list at will.
      3. The email aliases of the CTO and National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall be included on all active chapter mailing lists. These aliases will have sending privileges only, for use in emergency communication as referred to in the Emergency Communication Plan.
    4. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
      1. The following AUP govern the use of Fraternity Electronic Mail systems:
        • Users of Mu Beta Psi email systems (henceforth “users”) shall be required to maintain their accounts within storage limits set by the Chair based on available resources. Users who exceed their quota may have their account privileges suspended until their account is brought back under quota.
        • Users shall refrain from any activity that is in violation of local, state, federal, or international law.
        • Users shall refrain from any activity that is in violation of any Mu Beta Psi policies regarding Brothers’ conduct (Sexual Harassment, Hazing, etc.), or otherwise reflects negatively upon the Fraternity or its membership.
        • Users may not use Mu Beta Psi resources to propagate fraudulent activity designed to buy or sell products or services, advance a financial scam, or infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of a third party.
        • Users may not modify or remove header information in an effort to deceive.
        • Users are expressly prohibited from using Mu Beta Psi resources to send unsolicited commercial or bulk email (“spam”) to third parties.
        • In cases of abuse, the Chair has the authority to temporarily moderate or suspend privileges of the user. The Committee will review each report of abuse, and may take action up to and including suspension of access privileges and referral to a Chapters’ Brothers Court, the Board of Trustees, and/or law enforcement personnel, as appropriate.

National Brothers Database

  1. National Brothers Database
    1. Structure
      1. The Committee shall establish and maintain a database of past and present Brothers in a manner consistent with existing Fraternity technology.
      2. The database shall be constructed so as to allow Brothers to control the level of access of their personal information permitted to others.
      3. The database shall be stored in such a way as to protect it from unauthorized access.
    2. Maintenance
      1. The Chair shall be responsible for providing a usable interface for the database.
      2. The Chapter Representatives shall have access for the purpose of updating information of Brothers from their respective Chapters.
      3. Individual Brothers shall be permitted to access, modify, or remove their personal information from the database.
      4. To prevent permanent loss of Brothers’ pertinent Fraternal information from Fraternal rolls, requests to modify or remove the following information shall be first reviewed by the Committee:
        • Name
        • Pledge Chapter, Class & Year
        • Big Brother(s) Name(s)
        • Initiation Date
    3. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
      1. The following AUP govern the use of the National Brothers Database:
        • Users of the National Brothers Database may not use the database for the purposes of harassing, threatening, or sending unsolicited commercial or bulk email (“spam”) to other users.
        • The National Brothers Database may not be used to propagate fraudulent activity designed to buy or sell products or services, advance a financial scam, or infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of a third party.
        • Use of the database must comply with local, state, federal, and international laws.
        • Users may not release contact information for other users to any third party for any reason.
      2. The Committee will review each report of abuse, and may take action up to and including suspension of access privileges and referral to a Chapters’ Brothers Court, the Board of Trustees, and/or law enforcement personnel, as appropriate.

Emerging Technology

  1. Emerging Technology
    1. Initiation
      1. The Committee may evaluate emerging technology on its own, upon receiving direction from the National President, or at the request of any National Committee.
      2. The purpose of the evaluation will be to determine the benefit of incorporating the technology into Fraternity operations.
    2. Evaluation
      1. The Committee shall consider:
        • The impact on existing Fraternity systems
        • The costs involved in implementation, and
        • The expected benefit.
      2. The evaluation process shall be documented and retained by the Committee. At each meeting, the status of any ongoing evaluation shall be included in the minutes.
    3. Resolution
      1. If a determination is made to recommend the technology, the Committee shall submit a written recommendation to the requesting party, or to the National President, as appropriate. The recommendation shall include all relevant information regarding use of the technology, and integration with existing technology.
      2. If the technology is not recommended, the appropriate party shall be notified of the resolution and the reasons for it. The resolution shall also be included in the minutes of the Committee meeting.

Information Security

  1. Information Security
    1. Loss Prevention
      1. A copyright notice (? ) shall be placed on all Fraternity web pages, where applicable. This copyright shall extend to both the page information and the code used to convey it.
        1. Exception: Derivative works (such as code modified under the GNU Public License) shall retain their original copyright notice.
      2. The Chair shall ensure that the National Website is secure from data loss through the implementation of a regular backup procedure.
      3. Chapter Representatives are responsible for the security and integrity of their websites.
      4. The Committee shall submit to the National Historian electronic and hardcopy versions of the National Website and all Chapter Websites at least once per year, and after any major revisions. The Committee will also provide the National Historian an electronic copy of the National Brothers database once per year.
    2. Personal Information
      1. The Committee shall take steps to ensure Brothers’ Personal Information is adequately protected in a manner consistent with this Policy.
      2. The Committee shall consider requests to further restrict personal information on a case-by-case basis.
    3. Fraternity Information
      1. The Chair shall ensure that access to Restricted Content on the National Website is restricted to Brothers only through the use of password protection on Restricted Content.
      2. Chapter representatives are responsible for making sure Restricted Content on Chapter websites is restricted to Brothers only by utilizing password protection as needed.


  1. Policy
    1. This policy shall be amended by the Committee and approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the National Executive Committee, with presentation to the Legislative Council upon approval.
Revised: January 21, 2015
policies/information-technology.1486401766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/12 23:50 (external edit)