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Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

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National Executive Committee Policy Manual


  1. Purpose
    1. It shall be the purpose and duty of the National Executive Committee to oversee the Chapters of the Fraternity, to assist in the expansion of the Fraternity and the promotion of its four purposes, and to ensure the execution of the daily operations of the Fraternity.


  1. Responsibilities
    1. The National Executive Committee shall act as an advisor to Chapters and assist them in their obligations if possible.
    2. The National Executive Committee shall conduct the daily operations of the National Organization, and if necessary, take appropriate actions to ensure that the daily operations of the Fraternity continue unhindered.
    3. The National Executive Committee shall be the final arbitrator of fines imposed by any member of the National Organization. The National Executive Committee’s decision shall be final.
    4. The National Executive Committee shall take actions to ensure that ample communication between the National Fraternity and is Chapters is maintained.
    5. The National Executive Committee shall assist the National President in the overseeing of the other National Committees.
    6. The National Executive Committee shall review the Board of Trustees as an organization every four (4) years, beginning in 1993 and shall review the permanent members as individuals at even Convention meetings. Special reviews shall be conducted as necessary when requested by any Brother.
    7. The National Executive Committee shall take any actions deemed appropriate to safeguard the National Fraternity and its Chapters from legal liability.
    8. The National Executive Committee shall grant charters to new Chapters and oversee their installation.

Requirements of the National Executive Committee

  1. Requirements of the National Executive Committee
    1. The membership and quorum of the National Executive Committee shall be as defined in the National Constitution.
    2. All National Executive Committee members shall be active members both the National Organization and their respective Chapter for the duration of their membership on the National Executive Committee. Any member not holding active status in both the National Organization and their respective Chapter shall forfeit the membership rights on the National Executive Committee.

National Officer Duties

  1. National Officer Duties
    1. All National Officers
      1. All National Officers and National Committee Chairs shall have the following duties:
        1. To submit a digital copy of his/her Convention report to the National Secretary prior to General Assembly.
        1. To make at least quarterly contact with all appropriate Chapter Representatives, National Officers and Permanent Board of Trustees members. This contact shall include relevant information of a National Concern.
    2. National President
      1. The National President shall preside over the National Executive Committee.
        1. The National President shall preside over all meetings of the National Executive Committee.
        2. The National President shall vote as a member of the National Executive Committee in the case of a tie or whenever his/her vote would affect the outcome of the motion.
        3. The National President shall oversee all Committee activities.
          1. The National President shall direct the other National Officers in their duties, reminding them of obligations, and doing all within the power of the office to ensure those obligations are met.
          2. The National President shall solicit at least one progress report from each National Officer and National Committee Chair annually.
      2. The National President shall preside over the Legislative Council.
      3. The National President shall appoint necessary committees to transact Fraternity business.
        1. The National President shall respond to all requests to form a committee by either forming the committee or explaining refusals completely, preferably in written form.
        2. The National President shall oversee all committee activities.
          1. The National President shall provide explicit instructions to each committee chair concerning responsibilities and goals of the committee, including personal expectations in writing. This shall be done annually within sixty (60) days after Convention, and directly after any new appointments of committee chairs.
          2. The National President shall correspond at least quarterly with committee chairs, and solicit at least one progress report from each committee quarterly.
      4. The National President shall preside over the National Convention.
        1. The National President shall establish contact with the host Chapter and its Convention Coordinator to ensure a smoothly run Convention.
          1. A letter shall be written to the Convention Coordinator at least ninety (90) days before Convention concerning meeting times and places required by the Executive Committee and the Convention.
          2. Assistance shall be offered to the Convention Coordinator concerning usual arrangements for Conventions, and special needs for that particular Convention.
        2. The National President shall prepare a Convention agenda, with the assistance of the National Secretary, and submit it to each Chapter and National Officer at least thirty (30) days prior to the Convention.
          1. Effort shall be made to follow precedence and the order of business listed in the Legislative Council Policy.
          2. Special issues of National concern shall be placed in the appropriate sections of the agenda, written out in full.
          3. A review of the agenda shall be done in the National Executive Committee prior to the Convention.
          4. A copy of the finalized Convention agenda shall be distributed to each Chapter and National Officer no less than seven days prior to Convention. Additional copies shall be available at Convention registration.
          5. Unless special circumstances arise, every effort shall be made to follow the finalized agenda.
        3. The National President shall be familiar with Robert's Rules of Order prior to the Convention, and shall be ready and willing to provide a smoothly run, understandable meeting for all the Brothers assembled at Convention.
      5. The National President shall help keep the Brotherhood informed on issues of National concern.
        1. The National President shall encourage communication from all Brothers.
        2. The National President shall supply information to the National Editor of The Clef on matters of National concern.
      6. The National President shall lead the Fraternity in accomplishing the National goals as set by the Board of Trustees.
        1. The National President shall assist the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees in the annual updating of the Fraternity goals.
        2. The National President shall meet with the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees within sixty (60) days of Convention and quarterly thereafter, to work on and discuss the action plan for the execution of the one (1), two (2), and five (5) year goals of the Fraternity.
    3. National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance
      1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall be responsible for maintaining and improving the strength and stability of the Chapters.
      2. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall preside over the National Committee on Chapter Maintenance.
      3. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall endeavor to maintain open lines of communication among and between the Chapters and the National Leadership.
        1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall encourage Chapters to engage in joint projects and idea exchange.
        2. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall request a report from each Chapter due on September 30th, January 30th, and April 30th of each year including, but not limited to, since the last report:
          1. Number of Brothers at each meeting.
          2. Events in which the Chapter has participated.
          3. Relationship between the Brothers and pledges.
          4. Average length of meetings.
          5. Number of correspondences that the Chapter has received from each National Officer.
          6. Number of charges that have been brought against the Brothers.
          7. Status of the Brother's Court.
          8. General concerns about the Chapter.
          9. Status of funds.
          10. Any fundraising plans and general attitude of the Brothers about the projects.
          11. Names of all Brothers who have changed status during the previous semester.
          12. Names of all Honorary Brothers added during the previous semester.
          13. Notice of any change in advisors, including new name, title and phone numbers.
          14. Number of changes of inactive Brothers from the previous semester.
      4. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall be involved in all intra-Chapter disputes at the request of either involved party or the National President. All calls and letters shall be kept confidential unless otherwise specified.
      5. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall implement programs designed to create a stronger and more stable Brotherhood, both at the National and Chapter levels.
      6. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall have the responsibility of overseeing the enforcement of any adopted National policy, or any provision of the National Constitution, on any subject of Chapter maintenance concern, including, but not limited to National policies on hazing, sexual misconduct, drugs and alcohol, and pledging. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall bring to the attention of the National Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees any violations of said policies or provisions.
      7. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall assure that no hazing occurs.
        1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall monitor all activities and verify that no one associated with Mu Beta Psi is hazed at any time.
        2. If a report of hazing occurs, the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall conduct an investigation and verify that the issue is resolved immediately.
        3. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall respond to any complaint within seven (7) days.
      8. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall oversee each Chapter's pledge periods.
        1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall keep all current pledging rules, regulations and initiation rituals on file.
        2. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall request a report of the number of pledges starting the pledge period, number of voluntary de-pledgings, number of involuntary de-pledgings, and final number finishing the pledge period.
        3. All pledges shall be supplied with the name and phone number of the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance and be encouraged to contact him/her if any problem arises that cannot be dealt with on a Chapter level.
        4. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall keep a record of the number of pledge pins held by each Chapter.
      9. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall maintain a current copy of:
        1. The current By-Laws and policies of each Chapter
      10. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall have the following duties concerning new Chapters:
        1. A transition period coordinated by the National Vice President of Expansion and National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance for at least one semester.
        2. For a period of at least one calendar year after installation, the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall oversee Chapter progress including, but not limited to:
          1. Their first National Convention.
          2. Their first pledge class.
          3. Their first major fund-raiser.
          4. Their first service projects.
      11. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall maintain the Chapter Maintenance Handbook.
        1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall review the information included in the Chapter Maintenance Handbook as least annually, prior to Convention.
        2. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall maintain both hard copies and electronic copies of the Chapter Maintenance Handbook. The electronic version shall be kept in the appropriate section of the National website. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall periodically report to the NEC and Chapters with a summary of updates to the Chapter Maintenance Handbook, and shall send a hard copy of all updates to the National Historian once per year.
      12. With respect to Chapters on probation, the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall be guided by the Non-functioning Chapter and Reinstatement Policy.
    4. National Vice President of Expansion
      1. The National Vice President of Expansion is responsible for overseeing the growth and expansion of the Fraternity.
      2. The National Vice President of Expansion shall make all official contacts with prospective schools, including but not limited to:
        1. Following up any contacts from Chapters.
        2. Responding intelligently to any unexpected contacts.
        3. Finding contacts independently.
        4. Sending brochures as needed.
        5. Sending a copy of the expansion video to petitioning groups.
        6. Providing promotional materials to active Chapters for use in publicity and pledge recruitment at the request and expense of the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance.
        7. Establishing “diplomatic relations” with other small music fraternities.
      3. The National Vice President of Expansion shall be familiar with the entire expansion process, including but not limited to:
        1. In-depth knowledge of policy and procedures in order to accurately explain them to prospective schools.
        2. The ability to answer questions from Chapters concerning hosting prospective colonies.
        3. Anticipating adjustments in the process for each specific school’s situation.
        4. Provide a realistic preview of the process to prospective schools and colonies.
      4. The National Vice President of Expansion shall coordinate all expansion efforts according to policy, including but not limited to:
        1. Selecting Chapter(s) to host training, with National Executive Committee approval.
        2. Answering questions of prospective Pledgemasters.
        3. Making final approval of Pledgemasters.
        4. Requesting approval of the petition by the National Committee on Expansion.
        5. Maintaining the following information:
          1. How to conduct all petitioning and training meetings.
          2. Various schedules for the teaching of National Information, depending on the length (8 to 10 weeks) of the training season, as well as corresponding weekly quizzes.
          3. The Final Test.
          4. Prospective Pledgemaster training materials.
          5. As many sample policies, meeting minutes, ideas, pictures, and other materials to aid in the training of pledge classes.
        6. Assuring that training classes are properly provided with:
          1. Pledge pins received by the beginning of training.
          2. Shingles ordered directly after the initiation.
          3. Sufficient dues collected to cover each item.
        7. Assuring that the training period runs smoothly by:
          1. Overseeing that assigned Big Brothers carry out their responsibilities
          2. Ensuring that no hazing occurs throughout the expansion process.
          3. Communicating deadlines and necessary tasks to Pledgemasters and ensuring they are followed.
          4. Keeping advisors notified of all activities.
          5. Overseeing progress of the colonists’ service project.
          6. Providing training to prospective Pledgemasters.
          7. Scheduling the initiation date to accommodate the training class, host Chapter, and advisors, as feasible.
          8. Ensuring that the training period, and all individuals associated therewith, is in adherence to the Expansion policy.
      5. The National Vice President of Expansion shall be responsible for reviewing and reworking as needed:
        1. Expansion Chapter Initiations.
        2. Dues proposal for training class.
        3. Training handbook.
        4. All promotional materials.
      6. The National Vice President of Expansion shall maintain the Expansion Handbook.
        1. The National Vice President of Expansion shall review the information included in the Expansion Handbook as least annually, prior to Convention.
        2. The National Vice President of Expansion shall maintain both hard copies and electronic copies of the Expansion Handbook. The electronic version shall be kept in the appropriate section of the National website. The National Vice President of Expansion shall periodically report to the National Executive Committee and Board of Trustees with a summary of updates to the Expansion Handbook, and shall send a hard copy of all updates to the National Historian once per year.
      7. With respect to Inactive and Revoked Chapters, the National Vice President of Expansion shall be guided by the Non-functioning Chapter and Reinstatement Policy.
      8. The National Vice President of Expansion shall preside over the National Committee on Expansion.
      9. The national Vice President of Expansion shall coordinate with the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance a period of transition for at least one semester following the installation of a new Chapter.
    5. National Secretary
      1. The National Secretary shall keep, publish and distribute the minutes of the National Convention.
        1. These minutes shall include the following:
          1. The names of Chapters represented and their voting delegates.
          2. A written summary of the business transacted.
          3. A copy of the National Officers', Chapters' and Committees' written reports.
          4. A profit and loss statement.
          5. A balance sheet
          6. A copy of the minutes of all committee meetings held during National Convention.
        2. These minutes shall be published within forty-five (45) days of the close of the National Convention.
        3. These minutes shall be distributed to all Chapters, National Officers and permanent Board of Trustees members.
      2. The National Secretary shall take minutes during all NEC meetings.
        1. A version of the Convention National Executive Committee meeting, summarizing the topics discussed and listing motion suggestions, shall be presented to the National President before the time of the Legislative Council meeting.
        2. All minutes shall be published within forty-five (45) days of the adjournment of the meeting and distributed to all Chapters, National Officers and permanent Board of Trustees members.
      3. The National Secretary shall take minutes at all Board of Trustees meetings, and send a copy to the National President, and all members of the Board of Trustees within forty-five (45) days after the adjournment of the meeting.
      4. The National Secretary shall conduct all votes of the Legislative Council, National Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees not taken at Convention. Votes shall be conducted as described in the National Office Operations Policy.
      5. The National Secretary shall be required keep in his/her possession, the following items. These items shall be brought to all National Conventions.
        1. Voting Delegate Paddles
        2. National Gavel
      6. The National Secretary shall:
        1. Solicit Chapter reports from each active Chapter containing the information stated in the National Office Operations Policy.
        2. Notify each Chapter of their standing thirty (30) days prior to National Convention.
        3. Notify each Chapter of upcoming deadlines at least thirty (30) days prior to said deadlines.
      7. The National Secretary shall purchase a keepsake gavel for each Brother who has served as National President. This gavel shall be given to him/her within forty-five (45) days of the end of their tenure as National President
      8. The National Secretary shall maintain both hard copies and electronic copies of the National Constitution and Policies. These items shall be kept electronically in the appropriate section of the National website. The National Secretary shall inform the National Executive Committee and Board of Trustees when updates have been published, listing what items have been changed.
      9. The National Secretary shall maintain copies of all National correspondence and other National records and submit records to the National Historian as requested.
      10. The National Secretary shall keep an accurate list of the membership of each Chapter.
    6. National Treasurer
      1. The National Treasurer shall serve as Chairman of the National Finance Committee.
      2. The National Treasurer shall handle and administer all National funds as directed by the National Executive Committee or the Legislative Council and approved by the Board of Trustees
      3. The National Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records, including but not limited to tracking the total receipts and disbursements of the National Office of the Fraternity, and maintaining adequate documentation for all transactions.
      4. The National Treasurer shall record all National income and disbursements and file receipts of such to the appropriate party.
      5. The National Treasurer shall deposit all payments received within thirty (30) days of receipt.
      6. The National Treasurer shall solicit a report from each Chapter indicating an accurate list of current active Brothers.
      7. The National Treasurer shall order and issue official Mu Beta Psi supplies and paraphernalia including, but not limited to shingles, jewelry and stationery.
    7. National Historian
      1. The National Historian shall chair the National History and Archives Committee.
      2. The National Historian shall handle and preserve all National correspondence and other National records in an appropriate filing system.
        1. The National Historian shall collect copies of National correspondence and National records submitted by the National Officers by April 30 of each year. The National Historian shall also solicit records from out-going National Officers at Convention.
          1. The National Historian shall preserve the following records, including but not limited to:
            1. National Convention minutes
            2. National correspondence
            3. National financial records
            4. Copies of The Clef
            5. National address lists
            6. National Executive Committee minutes
            7. Board of Trustees minutes
            8. All other National Committee meeting minutes
            9. Chapter By-laws
            10. Chapter Maintenance Handbook and Expansion Handbook
            11. Photographs
          2. Preservation techniques and storage shall be determined by the National Historian with approval by the Board of Trustees Records Management Advisor.
          3. The National Historian shall print hard copies of the National Constitution, National Policies, Chapter By-Laws, and Chapter Maintenance Handbook and Expansion Handbook as changes are made to the secure website for preservation in the National archives.
        2. The National Historian shall request correspondence and records that are over five (5) years old, and financial records that are over seven (7) years old from each National Officer, each collegiate Chapter and the Board of Trustees Finance Advisor annually. The Alumni Association shall provide the National Historian with a copy of all minutes of meetings as they are published.
      3. The National Historian shall work with the Secretary and Historian of each Chapter to ensure that all Chapter records are preserved properly.
      4. The National Historian shall solicit from each collegiate Chapter a complete summary of their Chapter's activities to be submitted at each regularly scheduled Convention. This summary must include, but is not limited to, copies of Chapter newsletters (if applicable), a photo of the entire active membership (or composite), and a summary of Chapter activities over the past Convention year.
      5. The National Historian shall provide copies of old records to each Chapter for secondary preservation as finances allow.
        1. The Chapter master copies shall be paper hard copies.
        2. Records may also be preserved in optional formats.
      6. The National Historian shall be responsible for the Fraternity digital camera.
    8. National Editor of The Clef
      1. The National Editor of The Clef shall publish at least two (2) editions of The Clef, the National publication, per year.
        1. The purpose of The Clef shall be the following:
          1. To update all Brothers on the activities of the Fraternity
          2. To record and share the history of the Fraternity
          3. To exchange beneficial information about Chapter events, activities, and experiences
          4. To promote Brotherhood and Music
        2. The Clef shall be published in electronic format, and in paper format when possible.
      2. The National Editor of The Clef shall solicit material for The Clef from National Officers, Active Chapters, and individual Brothers.
        1. Material for The Clef may include, but is not limited to:
          1. Reports from Chapters, National Officers, and Board of Trustees members
          2. “How to” articles about Chapter activities or events
          3. Personal reflections about the Fraternity
          4. Articles about the Fraternity’s history or milestones
          5. Photographs of Fraternity events and activities
          6. Articles of interest to the Fraternity or its Chapters
        2. The National Editor of The Clef must establish a realistic deadline for submissions of all Clef material for said issue.
        3. The National Editor of The Clef shall be responsible for providing a suggested template for Chapter reports and “how to” articles forty-five (45) days prior to each publication.
        4. The National Editor of The Clef shall be responsible for writing one article per issue.
      3. The National Editor of The Clef shall secure, at the lowest cost to the Fraternity, a printer who will publish The Clef.
      4. The National Editor of The Clef shall be responsible for distributing The Clef.
        1. The National Editor of The Clef shall mail one paper copy of The Clef to the National Historian for inclusion in the National Archives.
        2. The National Editor of The Clef shall mail one paper copy of The Clef to any individual Brother who requests one.
        3. The National Editor of The Clef shall publish a digital copy of The Clef to the national website and email a digital copy to the national listserv.
      5. The National Editor of The Clef can create additional publications.
    9. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees
      1. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall preside over all Board of Trustees meetings.
      2. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall solicit a quarterly executive report detailing all activities of National Committees during the period.
      3. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall ensure that the Board of Trustees adheres to the Board of Trustees Policy Manual.
      4. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be responsible for renewing insurance policies on behalf of the Fraternity.


  1. Meetings
    1. The National Executive Committee shall meet as frequently as is necessary to conduct the business of the National Organization.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the National President, or by a petition of one-half (½) of the voting membership, with notice given to all members of the National Executive Committee at least five (5) days in advance.
    3. Proxy Procedures
      1. An absent voting member may send a signed proxy letter (or an email) to the National Secretary on how to vote on specific issues.
      2. National Officers and National Committee Chairs may not appoint another person to act as their proxy for any National Executive Committee meeting.
      3. Chapter representatives to the National Executive Committee may appoint another brother to act as their proxy for any National Executive Committee meeting. Said proxy must be an active member of the Chapter for whom they shall be representing and be active with the National Organization.
    4. Absences
      1. Only one (1) Chapter representative must be in attendance at any National Executive Committee meeting.
      2. The National Executive Committee may, at its discretion, fine any member of the National Executive Committee who does not attend at least two-thirds (⅔) of its meetings. Fines against a Chapter shall be for not having at least one (1) representative present at two-thirds (⅔) its meetings. Fines against Chapter representatives shall be assessed against the Chapter they represent.
    5. Order of Business
      1. Unless otherwise approved by the National Executive Committee, the agenda for Convention Meetings shall be:
        1. Call to Order
        2. Roll Call
        3. Introductions
        4. Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
        5. Review of Roberts Rules of Order
        6. Review of General Assembly Agenda
        7. Approval of amendments to National Policy
        8. Review of Board of Trustees or Permanent Board Members (if applicable)
        9. Other Business
        10. Adjournment
      2. Unless otherwise approved by the National Executive Committee, the agenda for Monthly Meetings shall be:
        1. Call to Order
        2. Roll Call
        3. Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
        4. Reports from Officers, Committee Chairs, and Chapters
        5. Old Business
        6. New Business
        7. Adjournment
    6. Minutes
      1. The National Secretary shall take minutes of every National Executive Committee meeting.
      2. The National Secretary shall inform the National President of impending absences and appoint a member of the National Executive Committee to serve in the capacity of acting secretary for the meeting in question.
      3. The acting secretary shall only serve to take the minutes of the meeting. They shall not vote on behalf of the National Secretary.
    7. Closed Door Meetings
      1. The National Executive Committee shall have the right to conduct official discussions and reviews behind closed doors. No motions, other than those required to keep order and to recess may be approved behind closed doors.
      2. A meeting of the National Executive Committee may be closed only by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the National Executive Committee. A majority vote shall be required to reopen a meeting.

National Committees

  1. National Committees
    1. Membership on National Committees
      1. All Standing National Committees, unless otherwise stated in the National Constitution or National Policy, shall consist of the following:
        1. A chairperson, who shall call meetings by their own initiative, by referendum of a majority of committee members or by order of National President. The chairperson shall vote only in the case of a tie. The National President shall appoint this chairperson, unless otherwise stated in National Policy.
        2. A voting representative from each Chapter in the Legislative Council.
        3. The National President, National Secretary, and a Permanent Board of Trustees Member to be assigned by the Chairman; all of whom shall be non-voting ex-officio members unless also serving as a Chapter representative.
      2. All Ad-hoc committees shall have a structure as set by the National President.
      3. The committee chairperson shall conduct all votes of their committees not taken at convention, or may request that the National Secretary conduct the vote on their behalf.
        1. If taken at a meeting (in person, online, conference call, etc), the votes must be included in the minutes of the meeting and submitted to the National Secretary within thirty (30) days of the meeting.
        2. Votes taken remotely shall be conducted as described in the National Office Operations Policy.
      4. Unless otherwise specified, quorum for all committee meetings and all votes taken via alternative technology shall be one-half (½) of the voting members of the body. Failure to meet quorum in an alternative technology ballot shall render the vote null and void, and a re-vote shall be conducted.
    2. Meetings
      1. All National Committees shall meet at least twice each year, one of which shall take place at Convention.
      2. The committee chairperson shall appoint someone to take minutes at each meeting and shall send a copy of the typed minutes to the National Secretary within thirty (30) days of the meeting for publication.
      3. The committee chairperson shall announce upcoming meetings, give at least two (2) weeks notice when possible, and shall publish an agenda to all members prior to the meeting.
      4. Any Brother may attend any National Committee meeting.


  1. Policy
    1. This policy shall be revised as necessary by the National Executive Committee.
    2. The revised policy shall be approved by the National Executive Committee and submitted to the Legislative Council.
    3. The committee-approved policy shall be approved by two-thirds (⅔) of the Legislative Council.
Approved: March 12, 2016
Amended March 17, 2018
Robert Smith
National Secretary
policies/national-executive-committee.1542320070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/15 22:14 by webmaster