ΜΒΨ Policy Library

Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

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Full text of June 6 resolution addressing racism, bias, and social justice now available:

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Under Review

No National policies are currently under review.


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Developing New Policies

Administrative policies may be created with the tools provided below.

Planning an Effective Process

Make a Policy Plan before writing a policy. Creating a policy plan allows you, the policy owner, to:

  • summarize the policy
  • explain the need for the policy
  • assess the risks associated with the topic
  • quantify the impact if no policy were in place

Ready to get started? Here's a policy template to streamline the segments, and help you address some of the questions people will have.

Guide to Writing Policy

The Guide to Writing Policies will assist with the writing style and organization of your new policy. You are encouraged to read it before you begin drafting a policy. Procedures and appendices may be created as needed to supplement the policy. Policy owners may contact the National President or the National Historian at any point in the planning or drafting stage. Once drafted, the National President will guide you through the subsequent review and approval steps.

Planning Communications

You may find that preparing for communication is helpful. This step is optional.

resources/start.1489181200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/12 23:50 (external edit)