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Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

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National Constitution


We, the Brothers of Mu Beta Psi, in order to establish a Fraternity to foster the study of music, to encourage fellowship among musicians, and to advance music within the college community, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution of Mu Beta Psi.

Article I — Name

  1. The name of this Fraternity shall be MU BETA PSI, NATIONAL HONORARY MUSICAL FRATERNITY.

  2. Each local branch of this Fraternity shall be called a Chapter.

Article II — Purpose

  1. To honor those outstanding individuals who have devoted their time and efforts to the musical organizations at the educational institutions of the respective Chapters.

  2. To stimulate interest in the musical organizations at the educational institutions of the respective Chapters.

  3. To advance music to its proper place as an educational subject.

  4. To actively promote fellowship among musicians everywhere.

Article III — Membership

  1. Membership in this Fraternity is of lifetime duration.

  2. There shall be only one (1) class of membership in this Fraternity, that of BROTHERHOOD. For the purposes of this Constitution, the terms ACTIVE, ALUMNI, ASSOCIATE, and HONORARY are only explanatory and have no bearing on the membership status of a Brother.

    1. Students who have completed two (2) semesters or three (3) quarters of service with distinction in some recognized musical organization of a college or university of a respective Chapter and achieved an academic standing of no less than sophomore level, or who have shown special interest in the musical life of said college or university, shall be eligible for Brotherhood. Semester and quarter credits for membership in two (2) or more musical organizations shall be additive.
    2. Semester and quarter credits are transferable from one (1) college or university to another, if the prospective member is sponsored by one (1) or more active Brothers (one quarter equals two-thirds (⅔) of a semester).
    3. Prospective active members shall be required to pass through a period of Education; the requirements of which are as follows:
      1. Education shall have a duration of not less than four (4) weeks and not more than eight (8) weeks.
      2. During Education, each Member-in-Training shall be required to read the Code of Conduct, Risk Management Policy, and Chapter By-Laws before the Member-in-Training can be formally initiated into the Brotherhood.
      3. All other policies, rules, and regulations concerning Education shall be left to the individual Chapters.

  3. The term BROTHER shall refer to a charter or initiated member of the Fraternity.
  4. Active Membership:
    1. National active membership shall be established by payment of National dues and as defined by the By-Laws of the respective Chapters.
  5. Alumni Membership:
    1. Members who no longer attend a college or university where there is an active chapter, or have graduated or left college, become alumni members of their respective Chapters.
    2. Alumni members may retain national active membership in a Chapter if that Chapter’s By-Laws provide for continued affiliation.
  6. Associate Membership:
    1. Former students who would have been eligible for membership while in college, had a Chapter of the Fraternity existed at that college or university at the time, are eligible for Associate Membership
    2. Associate members shall be provided with copies of the Code of Conduct, Risk Management Policy, and Chapter By-Laws before they can be formally initiated into the Brotherhood.
    3. Privileges of Associate members shall be as defined by the By-Laws of the respective Chapters.
  7. Honorary Membership:
    1. Honorary membership shall be conferred, at the discretion of a Chapter, upon those individuals who have considerably furthered the purposes of this Fraternity. Honorary membership shall be offered by the Fraternity following a two-thirds vote of the total active membership of the respective Chapter.
    2. Honorary members shall be provided with copies of the Code of Conduct, Risk Management Policy, and Chapter By-Laws before they can be formally initiated into the Brotherhood.
    3. Privileges of Honorary member shall be as defined by the By-Laws of the respective Chapters.

  8. All currently active, alumni, associate and honorary Brothers of the Fraternity shall be required to abide by all current policies of the National Fraternity.
  9. Resignations and Expulsions:
    1. Any member of the Brotherhood may resign their membership by writing a letter of resignation to the Executive Committee of their Chapter.
    2. If a Brother violates the Constitution or the National Organization, the Brother may be expelled from the Fraternity by sanction of the National or Chapter Standards Boards in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
    3. The Chapter’s Executive Board or the National Standards Board shall be required to notify the National Secretary immediately of the resignation or expulsion of any Brother so that the name may be stricken from the National Roll.
    4. All resignations and expulsions from the Brotherhood are final for all time.

Article IV — National Organization

  1. The National Organization shall consist of an association of all the Chapters of the Fraternity, along with its rules and regulations.
  2. Branches of Government:
    1. The Legislative body of this Fraternity shall be the Legislative Council.
    2. The Executive body of this Fraternity shall be the National Executive Committee.
    3. The Judicial body of this Fraternity shall be the Board of Trustees.
  3. Definition of terms:
    1. The National Officers shall be the President, Vice President of Chapter Maintenance, Vice President of Expansion, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Historian, and the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
    2. The Legislative Council shall consist of two (2) Voting Delegates from each Chapter in good standing. The National Executive Committee shall consist of The National Officers as voting members and the Member-at-Large and other voting delegate from each Chapter in the Legislative Council as non-voting members.
    3. The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) permanent members, a Chapter representative from each Chapter in the Legislative Council, and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Chapter representative shall be the Chapter President. National Secretary and National President shall be nonvoting members.
    4. No two National Offices may be held concurrently by one person, with the exception of the Chair of the Board of Trustees, who may concurrently hold the offices of Secretary, Treasurer or Historian, in the event of the resignation of any of these officers, until the office is filled at the next National Convention.
  4. Legislative Council:
    1. The powers and duties of the Legislative Council shall be as follows:
      1. To vote on matters of National concern brought to it by the Brotherhood.
      2. To maintain nonvoting status on the National Executive Committee.
      3. To maintain the standards and uphold the principles of the Fraternity throughout all of its Chapters.
    2. Quorum of the Legislative Council shall be two-thirds (⅔) of its membership.
  5. National Executive Committee:
    1. The powers and duties of the National Executive Committee shall be as follows:
      1. To meet at least once a year.
      2. To work diligently and faithfully for the purposes and expansion of this Fraternity.
      3. To oversee the installation of new Chapters, and to grant Charters.
      4. To submit to the National Organization any matter which, in its opinion, should be acted upon by the National Organization.
      5. To act in an advisory capacity to all Chapters.
      6. To maintain the standards and uphold the principles of the Fraternity throughout all of its Chapters.
    2. Quorum of the National Executive Committee shall be half (½) of the National Officers.
  6. Board of Trustees:
    1. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
      1. To ensure that the National Constitution, Chapter By-Laws and National Policies of the Fraternity are upheld.
      2. To have full authority to reestablish normal organization of the Fraternity, should the Fraternity dissolve.
      3. To consider matters of general concern brought to its attention by any Brother or Chapter when appropriate and when all other avenues of addressing the concern have been exhausted.
      4. To maintain the standards and uphold the principles of the Fraternity throughout all of its Chapters.
    2. Quorum of the Board of Trustees shall consist of two-thirds (⅔) of the permanent members and one half (½) of the Chapter members.
  7. Vacancies in National Offices:
    1. The National President shall have the power to fill vacancies in the National Offices of National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance, National Vice President of Expansion, and National Communications Officer which occur between National Conventions, subject to the approval of the Legislative Council.
    2. Upon resignation, expulsion, death, default, or indisposition of the National President, a new National President shall be nominated by the Board of Trustees and approved by the National Executive Committee. The term of the National President will end at the next National Convention, at which time a new National President shall be elected by the Legislative Council.
      1. The duties of the National President shall reside with the first officer available in the order of ascension until the approval of the nominee by the National Executive Committee.
      2. The order of ascension for the duties of National President shall be National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance, National Vice President of Expansion, National Secretary, National Treasurer.
      3. All efforts shall be made to fill the position within forty-five days of said vacancy.
    3. Upon resignation, expulsion, death, default, or indisposition of the National Secretary or the National Treasurer, the office shall reside with the Board of Trustees or its Chair, until the next National Convention at which time a new National Secretary or National Treasurer shall be elected by the Legislative Council.
    4. Upon resignation, expulsion, death, default, or indisposition of the National Historian, the office shall reside with the Board of Trustees or its Chair, until the next National Convention, at which time a new National Historian shall be nominated by the Board of Trustees and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Legislative Council. All efforts shall be made to fill the position within one year of said vacancy.
    5. Upon resignation, expulsion, death, default, or indisposition of the Chair of the Board of Trustees, the office shall reside with the Vice Chair until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which time a new Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by the Board of Trustees.
    6. Upon resignation, expulsion, death, default, or indisposition of a Permanent Member of the Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees shall replace said member as stated in the Board of Trustees Policy Manual. All efforts shall be made to fill the position within one year of said vacancy.

Article V — National Officers and Duties

    1. Any Brother shall be eligible to hold office in the National Organization.
    2. All National Officers shall be required to maintain an active status with the National Organization during their term of office.
    3. All National Officers shall be required to maintain an active status with a Chapter during their term of office.
    4. All National Officers shall fulfill all duties specified in the National Executive Committee Policy Manual and other National Documents.
  1. National President:
    1. The National President shall preside over National Executive Committee meetings.
    2. The National President shall preside over the Legislative Council during their term of office.
    3. The National President shall oversee National Conventions during their term of office.
    4. The National President shall have the power to appoint ad-hoc committees as they deem necessary to transact the business of the Fraternity.
    5. The term of office of the National President shall be two (2) years.
  2. National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance:
    1. The National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall direct and coordinate all activities associated with the maintenance of the Chapters of this Fraternity.
    2. The term of office of the National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance shall be two (2) years.
  3. National Vice President of Expansion:
    1. The National Vice President of Expansion shall direct and coordinate all expansion activities of this Fraternity.
    2. The term of office of the National Vice President of Expansion shall be two (2) years.
  4. National Secretary:
    1. The National Secretary shall perform all secretarial duties for the Board of Trustees, the National Executive Committee, and the Legislative Council.
    2. The term of office of the National Secretary shall be three (3) years.
  5. National Treasurer:
    1. The National Treasurer shall handle and administer all National Funds as directed by the National Executive Committee or the Legislative Council, and approved by the Board of Trustees
    2. The term of office of the National Treasurer shall be three (3) years.
  6. National Communications Officer:
    1. The National Communications Officer shall publish The Clef as required by National Policies.
    2. The term of office of the National Communications Officer shall be two (2) years.
  7. National Historian:
    1. The National Historian shall preserve all National correspondence and records.
    2. The National Historian shall be nominated by the Board of Trustees and approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Legislative Council.
    3. The term of office of the National Historian shall be tenure for life, subject to review by the Board of Trustees every four (4) years.
  8. Chair of the Board of Trustees:
    1. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall serve as a voting member of the National Executive Committee.
    2. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall chair all functions of the Judiciary branch.
    3. The term of office of the Chair of the Board of Trustees shall be as stated in the Board of Trustees Policy Manual.
    4. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall ensure that the Board of Trustees follows the guidelines set forth and described in National Policies and in the Board of Trustees Policy Manual.
  9. Impeachment:
    1. Any Brother can call for an immediate review of any National Officer. Said National Officer shall be made aware of their review.
    2. The Board of Trustees shall review said National Officer and make a recommendation whether to begin impeachment proceedings.
    3. Impeachment of said National Officer shall require a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the Legislative Council in regular Convention session, or in a properly called Emergency Convention. Proxy votes shall not be accepted.

Article VI — Board of Trustees

  1. Membership:
    1. Membership of the Board of Trustees is defined in Article IV, Section 3.4.
    2. All members shall be required to maintain an active status with the National Organization for the duration of their membership.
    3. All members shall be required to maintain an active status with a Chapter for the duration of their membership.
    4. A member may not concurrently be a permanent member and Chapter representative.
    5. Membership of permanent members shall be of lifetime duration, subject to review by the National Executive Committee every four years.
    6. Any new candidate recommended by the Board of Trustees for open permanent member positions must be approved by a three-fourths (¾) vote of the Legislative Council.

  2. The Board of Trustees shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from its permanent membership.

    1. The Board of Trustees shall have a Policy Manual.
    2. The Board of Trustees Policy Manual and amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Legislative Council.
  3. Impeachment:
    1. Any Brother can call for an immediate review of any Permanent Member of the Board of Trustees.
    2. Said Permanent Member of the Board of Trustees shall be made aware of their review.
    3. The National Executive Committee shall review said Permanent Member of the Board of Trustees and make a recommendation whether to begin impeachment proceedings.
    4. Impeachment of said Permanent Member of the Board of Trustees shall require a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the Legislative Council in regular Convention session, or in a properly called Emergency Convention. Proxy votes shall not be accepted.

Article VII — National Conventions

  1. A National Convention shall be held at least once each year, the host Chapter to be determined at the previous National Convention.

  2. The National Convention, overseen by the National President, shall consist of the Legislative Council, the National Officers, all National Committees, and the Board of Trustees.

  3. Each Chapter in the Legislative Council shall be entitled to two (2) votes, which need not be cast unanimously. These votes may be cast by proxy. The National President shall vote only in the event of a tie.

  4. The National Convention shall have the power to legislate for the governing of all Chapters, levy assessments on the Chapters and act upon all reports and miscellaneous business of the Fraternity.

  5. A quorum in the National Convention shall consist of quorums in the Legislative Council, National Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees.
  6. Proxy Procedure:
    1. An absentee Voting Delegate must send a sealed proxy on how to vote on specific issues, or
    2. A legitimate representative shall be sent to vote on all issues, or
    3. The representative may vote only on issues not covered by a sealed proxy.
    4. Sealed proxies shall be nullified by the amendment of the motion in question.
  7. Officer Elections:
    1. The National Convention shall hold elections for the open National offices, once a year.
    2. All National Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the Legislative Council, except for the National Historian and Chair of the Board of Trustees.
    3. National Officers are officially installed four weeks after their election.

  8. Emergency National Conventions may be called by the National President, or at the request of any Chapter, provided that all Chapters, National Officers and Board of Trustees members are notified with sufficient warning, and that a quorum is assured.

Article VIII — Committees

  1. Standing Committees:
    1. The standing committees shall be
      1. The National Executive Committee
      2. The National Committee of Chapter Maintenance
      3. The National Committee of Expansion
      4. The National Finance Committee
      5. The National Information Technology Committee
      6. The National Scholarship Management Committee
      7. The National Standards Board
      8. Any other committee which the Legislative Council so designates as “standing.”
    2. The standing committees shall have the organization, powers and duties specified by the National Constitution and the policies of the National Organization.
  2. Other Committees:
    1. Ad-hoc committees may be established by the National President with the organization, powers and duties to be stipulated by the National President, and approved by the National Executive Committee.
    2. The National President shall appoint a chair for each ad-hoc committee in a manner which will best utilize the talents and resources available .
    3. The Chair of any ad-hoc committee may solicit members in any manner which will facilitate the most efficient and best work of the committee. The members must be approved by the National President.
    4. The Chair of any ad-hoc committee may be removed by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the committee members, or by the National President.
    5. Ad-hoc committees shall dissolve upon completion of their assigned task.

    1. All committee members and committee chairs shall be required to maintain an active status with the National Organization for the duration of their membership.
    2. All committee members and committee chairs shall be required to maintain an active status with a Chapter for the duration of their membership.

Article IX — Chapters

  1. Chapters of this Fraternity shall be limited to four-plus (4+) year educational institutions of collegiate grade.

  2. The term “in good standing”, shall refer to a Chapter which is not on probation and which has fulfilled all National financial obligations, submitted an annual report, and met all other obligations deemed necessary by the National Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees and the Legislative Council.

  3. Each Chapter shall establish and maintain its own Chapter By-Laws, consistent with the National Constitution, National Policies, and the Rituals of this Fraternity, subject to review by the Board of Trustees.

  4. Each Chapter shall establish and maintain its own treasury and finance, separate from the National Organization.

  5. Names of Chapters shall be assigned from the Greek Alphabet in order of the Chapter's admission into the Fraternity beginning with “Alpha”, “Beta”, etc., and continuing with “Alpha Alpha”, “Alpha Beta”, etc.
    1. Each Chapter must have the following officers:
      1. President
        1. The President shall have the power to appoint standing and ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary for the proper operation of the Chapter.
        2. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Chapter.
      2. Vice-President
        1. The Vice-President shall have the duties generally assigned to that office.
        2. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President.
      3. Secretary
        1. The Secretary shall handle necessary Chapter correspondence.
      4. Treasurer
        1. The Treasurer shall manage the financial affairs of the Chapter.
      5. Member-at-Large
        1. The Member-at-Large is responsible for National Correspondence per the National Policies.
    2. Each Chapter must be governed by an Executive Board composed of the required officers and any other members the Chapter sees fit to include, per Chapter By-Laws.

  7. Each Chapter must have at least one (1) faculty advisor on record with the National Secretary.

    1. Two-thirds (⅔) active membership of a Chapter shall constitute a quorum for election meetings. Any active member, except the chair of the meeting, may nominate a candidate for an office. The election shall be held in accordance with Chapter By-Laws, with a majority of the members present electing a candidate. The chair shall vote only in the event of a tie.
    2. A majority of the active membership of a Chapter shall constitute a quorum for all other meetings.

    1. All Chapters must have a Standards Board.
    2. Each Chapter’s Standards Board is defined by the Code of Conduct and the Chapter By-Laws.
    3. Methods of bringing complaints, sanctions, and other disciplinary powers are defined in the Code of Conduct.
    4. Any member of the Standards Board who is also a member of the Executive Board must recuse themself from any and all business of the Executive Board pertaining to the Standards Board.
    5. Members of the Standards Board may participate in the appellate process but may not vote as part of an appellate body.

    1. All Chapters shall be required to inform their members of, and enforce, the National Constitution of the Fraternity.
    2. All Chapters shall be required to inform their members of, and enforce, all current National policies of the Fraternity.
    3. Any Chapter may be reviewed and penalized by the Board of Trustees for intentional noncompliance with the National Constitution or any National Policy as outlined by National Policy.

  8. Rules, requirements, and ceremonies for the installation of new Chapters shall be determined by the National Committee of Expansion and approved by the Legislative Council.

  9. A Chapter’s Charter may be revoked by procedures defined in the Code of Conduct and other National Policies.

Article X — Alumni Association

  1. Government
    1. The Alumni Association shall be governed by its own By-Laws and Policies, as would any Chapter. Said documents shall be in compliance with the Constitution and policies of the National Organization.
    2. All references to Chapters of the Fraternity shall include the Alumni Association as a Chapter, except Article IX, Sections 1, 5, 8, and 12.
    3. The Alumni Association shall be ordered following the Greek letter of the last chartered Chapter.

Article XI — Admission

    1. Prospective Chapters shall petition for a Charter through the National Vice President of Expansion, to the National Committee of Expansion, for recommendation to the Legislative Council.
    2. Each petitioning body must consist of at least fifteen (15) people and shall forward to the National Executive Committee, with its petition, a certified check to cover the Charter fee. This Charter fee shall be refunded if a Charter is not approved.

    1. Prospective chapters shall be approved for a Charter upon the unanimous vote of the Legislative Council. Each Chapter shall cast two (2) votes and shall be allowed a period of thirty (30) days in which to vote. At the end of this time, a Chapter is barred from participation in the voting.
    2. With the National Executive Committee shall lie the final power for granting a charter. The National Executive Committee may grant a charter by unanimously overriding the veto of one (1) dissenting Chapter vote.

  1. The National Executive Committee shall designate a Chapter in good standing, that has been active for at least two (2) years, to have charge of the installation ceremonies of approved petitioning bodies. This two (2) year requirement may be overridden by a three-fourths (¾) vote of the Legislative Council.

Article XII — Fraternity Items

  1. The emblem of this Fraternity shall be a replica of the coat of arms.

  2. The use of the Fraternity coat of arms shall be approved by the Board of Trustees according to the rules and regulations of the National Organization.

  3. The seal of this Fraternity shall be the coat of arms enclosed in a circle containing the date, April 1930.

  4. The colors of this Fraternity shall be red and white.

  5. The Flower of this Fraternity shall be the Red and White American Beauty Rose.

  6. The Coat of Arms of this Fraternity shall be as shown on the cover of this Constitution.

  7. The Song of this Fraternity shall be “Hail the Spirit of Mu Beta Psi”, by Milton C. Bliss.

  8. The National Sweetheart Song of this Fraternity shall be “The Sweetheart Song”, by Milton Bliss.

  9. The National publication of this Fraternity shall be The Clef.

Article XIII — Fees

  1. The fees to be exacted on behalf of each initiate by the Chapters and sent to the National Executive Committee shall be as follows:
    1. A Member-in-Training fee which shall cover the cost of the Shingles.
    2. A National initiation fee (Charter members of Chapters are excluded).
    3. For Honorary members these fees shall be paid by the Chapter granting the Honorary membership.

    1. Each Chapter may exact any reasonable and proper fees from its initiates and/or members necessary for the successful conduct of its own affairs.
    2. All National fees and levied per capita fees shall be proposed by the National Finance Committee and approved by the National Executive Committee and Board of Trustees.

Article XIV — Ritual

    1. The Ritual of this Fraternity shall consist of the Informal Initiation Ritual and the Formal Initiation Ritual, which shall be conducted only during the initiation of members.
    2. The Informal Initiation Ritual shall be conducted for the sole purpose of completing the period of Education for prospective active members.
    3. The Formal Initiation Ritual shall be conducted for the sole purpose of initiating members.

    1. The Initiation Rituals shall be properly and completely administered only by Brothers.
    2. Chapters shall be responsible for the content of their Informal Initiation Ritual, subject to review by the Board of Trustees. With the Board of Trustees shall lie the final power over the content of a Chapter’s Informal Initiation Ritual. The Board of Trustees may remove any content from a Chapter’s Informal Initiation Ritual that is in conflict with any National Document by a three-quarters (¾) vote.
    3. An official copy of the Rituals shall be kept only by the National Officers and a representative of each Chapter, as stated in that Chapter’s By-Laws.

Article XV — Hazing

  1. Hazing, as defined in National Policy, is strictly prohibited in all circumstances, be it Brother to Brother, Brother to Member-in-Training, Member-in-Training to Member-in-Training, or Mu Beta Psi (including its Members-in-Training) to any nonassociate.

  2. Punishment for hazing shall be as defined in National Policy.

Article XVI — Non-Discrimination

  1. Mu Beta Psi does not and will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, or ability in any of its activities or operations.

Article XVII — Amendments

  1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Legislative Council. Such a vote may be taken by mail ballot or at National Conventions. Each chapter shall have thirty (30) days to review the proposed amendments before such vote.

  2. Proposed amendments may originate in any Chapter in good standing, in any National Committee as defined in Article VIII, or the Board of Trustees. They shall be submitted to the National Secretary at least forty-five (45) days prior to a vote. The National Secretary shall then submit the proposed amendments to the Legislative Council to review at least thirty (30) days before such vote.
    1. Proposed amendments originating in a Chapter must be submitted with the endorsements of the President and Secretary of the Chapter.
    2. Proposed amendments originating in a National Committee or the Board of Trustees must be submitted with the endorsement of the Committee Chairperson or the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and a copy of the meeting minutes showing approval of the amendment proposal.
    3. Proposed amendments may be altered without the need for an additional thirty (30) day review as long as the scope of the original motion is not changed. This may be done by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Legislative Council prior to acceptance of the proposed amendment. Should the scope of the original amendment be changed, the Legislative Council shall have an additional thirty (30) days for which to review the changed amendment prior to a vote.

Article XVIII — Order

  1. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.

  2. Robert’s Rules of Order may be suspended only as defined in the Legislative Council Policy Manual.

  3. The National Constitution may not be suspended.

Article XVIV — Statement of Precedence

If at any time, conflict should come into existence between the any of the Fraternity’s official documents, the order of precedence shall be: Articles of Incorporation, National Constitution, Code of Conduct, other National Policies, Chapter By-Laws.

Article XX — Ratification

  1. This Constitution shall be ratified upon the unanimous affirmative vote of the Legislative Council. This process must be completed by the next National Convention, or within twelve (12) months of its submittal, whichever is shorter.

  2. This Fraternity shall begin operation under this Constitution immediately upon its ratification.

  3. Upon ratification of this Constitution, the names of the Chapters shall be as follows:
    Alpha - North Carolina State University
    Delta - Clemson University
    Zeta - Michigan Technological University
    Kappa - Wofford College
    Mu - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Nu - State University of New York at Oswego
    Alumni Association
DATE OF RATIFICATION: February 24, 1996
DATE LAST AMENDED: September 15, 2022
Rob Faggart
National Vice-President of Chapter Maintenance
policies/national-constitution.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/26 17:28 by jsackerm